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How to look relaxed and refreshed in Beverly Hills CA with Botox Injections

Botox Injections in Beverly Hills CA area Botox is one of the most commonly requested procedures for facial rejuvenation As a minimally invasive procedure, it is injected into areas of the face to soften lines and wrinkles For patients in Beverly Hills, CA, Dr Dennis Dass offers Botox injections to minimize the appearance of lines helping patients look youthful and refreshed Botox treatments are popular among patients who are beginning to look for anti-aging solutions Frown lines between the eyes, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet around the eyes are often the first areas that start to show the signs of aging Botox is a safe, effective way to improve these Continue reading

Can Botox be used around the eyes for patients in the Beverly Hills area?

Dr. Dass describes Botox around the eyes used as wrinkle filler Botox is an injectable treatment that is readily available through the practice of Dr Dennis Dass, MD of the Beverly Hills area He has been able to help patients avoid plastic surgery by providing alternative options such as Botox injectables Botox is a neuromodulator that can be used in achieving anti-aging results It is injected into specific muscles of the face to reduce contractions and therefore reduce the depth and overall appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and folds on the face caused by dynamic tension of the muscles Dr Dennis Dass, MD Continue reading

Beverly Hills area patients can improve their appearance by using Botox for crow’s feet

Botox for crow's feet, Dennis Dass, MD Botox has been a popular cosmetic option for many patients in the Beverly Hills area for decades While Botox has been on the market for many years for medical purposes, it was then discovered that it had aesthetic benefits and started being used by dermatologists and plastic surgeons to address imperfections on the face that bothered both men and women Dr Dennis Dass and his team are committed to helping patients find solutions for their aging skin For many, Botox is key How Botox unlocks youthful beauty Botox is Continue reading

Can Los Angeles area patients use Botox as an alternative to a surgical brow lift?

Face Botox treatment, Dennis Dass, MD Botox has been around for several years and has been approved by the FDA for a variety of medical and cosmetic situations It is commonly known for addressing fine lines, wrinkles, and folds on the face that may have developed due to facial contractions The muscles of the face, over time, can cause the skin to develop imperfections that are impossible to reverse naturally This is when cosmetic injectables such as Botox become a favorable way to enhance one’s appearance The beauty of Botox Botox is a Continue reading

Where on the face can Botox treatment be done in Beverly Hills?

Botox in beautiful Beverly Hills smiles A common service provided for both men and women in the Beverly Hills area is Botox treatment This is an effective facial wrinkle solution When individuals visit Dr Dennis Dass, they may feel as though a face-lift or other surgical procedure may be necessary for improving their appearance Fine lines, wrinkles, and folds develop on the face due to repeated facial expression, a result of constantly tensed muscles This happens naturally as part of the aging process However, when it is mild or moderate, it can be easily improved without surgical intervention Many men Continue reading

What is the role of Botox in beautiful Beverly Hills smiles?

Botox injections from Dr. Dass in Beverly Hills Botox is renowned for its wrinkle reducing capabilities This injectable has been widely used for more than twenty years, and continues to impress with stellar results Sought after by men and women, the purified protein beautifully softens the face by promoting relaxation beneath the skin Some of the common treatment areas Botox is ideal for include the forehead, between the brows, the brow line, and crow’s feet around the eyes What may surprise some people is the fact that Botox may play a vital role in refreshing the smile Board certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, Continue reading

Botox could postpone the need for face lift: Beverly Hills, CA doctor explains how

Dr. Dass describes Botox face lift The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that 125,711 face lifts were performed in 2015 in the United States The procedure is very effective in reversing signs of aging by removing excess skin and sculpting facial features However, Dr Dennis Dass, a Board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, CA, suggests that early application of Botox may keep skin taut and youthful looking longer, postponing the need for surgical lift Botox basics The skin on your face covers a foundation of muscles Each time those muscles contract, they Continue reading

Therapy to treat or prevent wrinkles doesn’t have to be invasive thanks to Botox in Beverly Hills

Woman under going botox therapy to treat or prevent wrinkles Botox therapy in Beverly Hills is a nonsurgical alternative to invasive procedures for wrinkle-softening, but it’s important to put your health and appearance in the hands of a knowledgeable specialist trained in its proper administration: board-certified plastic surgeon Dr Dennis Dass and his team A technique and surgeon specific injectable treatment Botox must be administered precisely to the muscles responsible for your expression lines By turning to Dr Dass and his extensive knowledge of facial anatomy and experience administering Botox, risks of complications are minimized The unique power of Continue reading

How long do results of Botox last for Beverly Hills area patients?

Dr. Dass describes Botox results The signs of aging are often a concern for both men and women who are trying to maintain their youthful look over the years However, gravity and natural changes to the skin and body begin to take over and can result in an aged appearance The face is often the first place where changes occur, as the collagen and elastin loss that naturally occurs after the age of 30 causes looser skin and aids in the development of fine lines and wrinkles As time progresses, so do the appearance of these imperfections that can cause patients to Continue reading

Beverly Hills area plastic surgeon offers Botox injections

Dr. Dass describes Botox injection Many patients visit the practice of Dr Dennis Dass, MD in Beverly Hills to request ways of enhancing their natural appearance with or without plastic surgery Some patients who have mild signs of aging on the face may not feel as though surgeries are necessary They may find that alternative solutions may work and provide the results they require to feel more confident in their own skin This may include the use of Botox injections Botox injections are commonly used for men and women who are struggling with the appearance of fine Continue reading