Neck Lift Beverly Hills
Sometimes the earliest notable signs of facial aging are evident in the neck. Individuals will notice loss of neck and jaw definition and excess fat in the neck. The neck muscles (platysma) become separated and loose, resulting in vertical bands in the front of the neck. A neck lift is typically part of a standard facelift. A facelift will always improve the neck, but sometimes additional procedures are required to fully correct these neck deformities. Plastic surgeon, Dr. Dass, uses the newest techniques to avoid the overdone plastic look. During your consultation, we will discuss what procedures will be necessary to create a balanced, harmonious, and youthful appearance.
Conservative liposuction may be necessary to remove some of the excess fat in the neck. In order to tighten the midline platysma (neck muscles), an incision is created below your chin to expose these muscles. Sutures are placed within the neck muscles to improve the vertical bands in the neck; this is called a midline platysmaplasty.
A facelift will be needed in order to elevate the cheek tissue to improve jowling and create jaw definition. During the facelift the sides of the neck will also be tightened. The excess skin from the neck will be elevated and removed behind the ears, to reduce the “turkey neck.”
Surgery is performed as an outpatient and you will have a surgical dressing on for the first day. You will need to wear a neck and face garment for about one or two weeks to maintain the results and reduce the risk of fluid collections. The risks of surgery include bleeding, bruising, fluid collections, asymmetry, and contour irregularities. Most of the swelling and bruising will resolve after two to three weeks, after which you feel comfortable being out in public again. It is important to keep your head elevated during the postoperative period to reduce the amount of swelling.
Make an appointment with Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Dass, to restore the more youthful you.