PicoSure Laser Tattoo Removal in Los Angeles
Tattoo Regret? You’re not alone!
Did you know 20% of people regret their tattoo? That’s 1 in 5! The number is astounding, but not surprising. There was a 43% increase in the number of tattoos removed in 2012, and 40% of people cited employment concerns as a reason for having their tattoo removed.
Tattoos can be a beautiful human expression but as our lives change, tattoo regret takes over. Erase unwanted tattoos and pigment with PicoSure, the most advanced laser treatment available for safe and effective tattoo removal. PicoSure targets unwanted ink more effectively than ever before, successfully removing difficult ink colors, such as blue and green, as well as previously treated tattoos. Fewer treatments, improved recovery time, and faster results are achievable with PicoSure’s groundbreaking picosecond technology.
How does PicoSure wok?
It is the world’s first safe and effective picosecond laser developed for tattoo removal and treating pigmented lesions. This breakthrough in laser tattoo removal delivers short pulse bursts of energy 100 times faster than older nanosecond technology. The pulses produce better tattoo removal results, quicker treatment sessions, and little to no effect on surrounding skin. This allows the PicoSure to achieve amazing results in tattoo lightening as well. Until the launch of PicoSure, Q-Switched lasers had been considered the gold standard for removing tattoos. Q-switched laser treatments use thermal energy to heat up and break apart the ink particles. Now with PicoSure, ultra-short pulses (one trillionth of a second in length!) hit the ink particle with a pressure so great, the ink shatters into tiny dust-like particles. Because the particles are so small, they are more readily absorbed and eliminated by the body. This can mean better clearance of the tattoo and less treatments overall!
Tattoo removal and fading is a process. The laser is used to break up the ink into small particles and we depend on your immune system to metabolize the ink particles during the healing phase. We recommend 4-6 weeks between treatments for the most effective tattoo removal.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many treatments will it take to remove my tattoo?
The number of treatments varies for every tattoo. The response depends on the tattoo ink color, composition, density, depth of ink, and skin type. Picosure laser is so effective that 80% of tattoos can be removed with 6 treatments, which is 1/3rd the number of treatments compared to traditional Nd:YAG lasers.
How long do I have to wait between treatments?
Tattoo removal and fading is a process. The laser is used to break up the ink into small particles and we depend on your immune system to metabolize the ink particles during the healing phase. We recommend 4-6 weeks between treatments for the most effective tattoo removal.
The price of laser tattoo removal depends on size of the tattoo. Talk to one of our consultants, because we offer package pricing to discount your treatment.
Tattoo lightening?
Yes, we now offer tattoo lightening. This is a great option if you just need the tattoo lightened so that your tattoo artist can cover up your existing tattoo with a new tattoo. This can often be done in 1-3 treatments.
Does it hurt?
The laser energy does create some discomfort that is often described as a rubber band snapping against the skin. We do apply a topical anesthetic cream prior to treatments to numb the skin and to make the removal process more comfortable. For very sensitive areas, we can provide other options for anesthesia.
Is there scarring?
Picosure laser tattoo removal is unlikely to cause any long term scarring because the outer layer of skin is not damaged. Hypopigmentation or skin lightening may occur in the treatment area.
Call our office today to meet with a consultant and setup a plan to remove your tattoo!